1. Present:- Messrs. Robert Jones (Chairman), David Johnson, Graham Middleton, Stuart Hurst, Mrs Jenny Lees (Vice chairman) & M. N. Bown (Clerk) Five parishioners were present.
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of Meeting Held on 18th August 2009 :- These had been circulated and were read and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters Arising:-
(a) Grass Cutting, Highways had reported that the strip of land at the side of 'Southview' was privately owned, (they are consulting 'Land register' to find owner) and therefore they would not be cutting it in future,
(b) Commemorative Blue Plaques. The Chairman reported that the cost is approximately £300. Opinion was that initiative, with regard to "Robert Hall, should come from the Baptist Church.
(c) HDC had reported that to get occupants of 'Andalusian Stud' to apply for retrospective planning for residential caravan will take a long time,
(d) Highways had reported that control of public land in front of 'Little India' could not be given to the Parish Council.
(e) The Clerk reported that he had cut overhanging branches from 'School' road sign but more work was needed.
5. Sale of Manor Farm :- It had been sold to Mr Briggs of Lodge Farm, Saddington. A parishioner had spoken to him re parking for 'May Fayre' and received a favourable response. It was decided that an approach should be made by the May Fayre Committee. Chairman to talk to Terry Emmony.
6. Sewerage and Drainage pipes in St Peter's Road:- Clerk had written to Severn Trent about ongoing problems with flooding in the road. Letter received to say remedial work needed, but not considered urgent.
7. Planning Applications :-
(a) No 09/00952/LBC Submitted by Arnesby Baptist
Chapel. 'Replacement of Windows' The Manse, St. Peter's Road, Arnesby. No
(b) No 09/01076/TCA. Submitted by:- Mr Derek Lewin, The Firs, Mill
Hill Road, Arnesby. 'Work to Trees'. No Objections,
(c) No 09/01163/FUL.
Submitted by:- Mr M Robinson, The White House, Welford Road, Arnesby.
'Retrospective application for extra work carried out on 07/01514/FUL'. Objections.
Planners referred to remarks on original appl. Development too big.
(d) No
09/01226/TCA Submitted by:- Mrs Sue Lomasney, The White House, Church Lane,
Arnesby. 'Work to Trees'. No Objections,
(e) No 09/00828/FUL. "Extensions to East
View Cottage, Mill Hill Road, Arnesby. 'Withdrawn'.
8. Signing Of Cheques :-
No 456 E-On Ltd. Street Lighting £160.11
No 457 Clement
Keys (audit) £57.50
No 458 Terry Emmony (audit) £10.00
No 459 E-On Ltd Lighting
Maintenance £62.82
No 460 E-On Ltd Street Lighting £165.25
9.Questions for future reply:-
(a) Parishioner complained of 'Dog Fouling' near
school and field road to Shearsby. Chairman thought it had improved.
(b) Gitty from
Lutterworth Road to Robert Hall Road, residents complained of noise by children.
Parishioner has suggested 'Give way' sign at junction of Mill Hill Road and Church
Lane (near to school).
(d) Complaints re Water pressure in village. Clerk rang Severn
Trent, they checked and said that pressure was standard at 1.5 bars.
(e) Stella Elliott
reported that she had complained to the Authorities re speed of traffic and resulting
accidents on the main road. The Chairman is to join her in observing the traffic
outside her house on the main road (a car had ended in the ditch on the same night as
this meeting).
(f) Chairman had obtained a quote of £490 to paint the telephone kiosk. Because of the amount it was suggested that May Fayre should be asked to
Meeting Closed 8.30pm.
NB These minutes will be found on Village-Web.co.uk.